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We use first-party cookies for the technical functioning of the website and, if you consent to it, to collect your browsing experience on our website for anonymised statistics, whose purpose is to improve our communication and the service we offer.

You can find in this page the option to manage your consent.

In order to watch a video on our website, a message will alert you that you need to accept YouTube third-party cookies to do so. YouTube has its own cookie (link is external) and privacy policies (link is external) over which we have no control. There is no installation of cookies from YouTube until you consent to YouTube cookies.

First-party cookies for the technical functioning of the website

This website uses some session cookies as followed :

Cookie name


Expires / Max-Age




Cookie is used by Microsoft Azure to garantee the load balancing between servers.


1 year

These cookies are used to save your preferences regarding your cookie consent.

First-party cookies used by Matomo Analytics

We use Matomo web analytics to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the HTA info day website.

Matomo is an open-source analytics platform which fully is controlled by DG SANTE. This platform enables the protection of end-user personal data thanks to features such as IP address de-identification. On top of that, the DG SANTE has created a feature to manage users’ consent to the collection of users’ browsing experience for anonymised statistics.

Cookie name


Expires / Max-Age



13 months

To track whether a user is new to the site or a repeat visitor.


30 minutes

To track which pages were visited


13 months

To remember cookies consent

Data protection information and measures in Matomo

Matomo is configured to store first-party cookies.

Cookies (from Matomo) enable DG SANTE to track the following information about visitors. We use this information to prepare aggregated, anonymous statistics reports of visitors’ activity:

  • IP address (with 2 bytes masked)
  • Location: country, region, city, approximate latitude and longitude (Geolocation)
  • Date and time of the request (visit to the site)
  • Title of the page being viewed (Page Title)
  • URL of the page being viewed (Page URL)
  • URL of the page that was viewed prior to the current page (Referrer URL)
  • Screen resolution of user's device
  • Time in local visitor's time-zone
  • Files that were clicked and downloaded (Download)
  • Links to an outside domain that were clicked (Outlink)
  • Pages generation time (the time it takes for webpages to be generated by the webserver and then downloaded by the visitor: Page speed)
  • Main language of the browser being used (Accept-Language header)
  • Browser version, browser plugins (PDF, Flash, Java, …) operating system version, device identifier (User-Agent header)
  • Language of the visited page
  • Campaigns
  • Site Search

DG SANTE retains full control of the data collected through first-party cookies by storing the data in servers fully owned and controlled by the Agency itself.

Besides some session cookies, a random ID persistent cookie is generated by Matomo, which allows DG SANTE to identify when a user returns to the site. This cookie has an expiration date of 13 months, after which it is automatically removed from the user's device.

Third-party cookies used by YouTube

In order to watch a video on our website, a message will alert you that you need to accept YouTube third-party cookies to do so.

Cookie name


Expires / Max-Age



1 month

Collects website statistics and tracked conversion rates.


20 years

This cookie is used to save the user's preferences and other information. This includes in particular the preferred language, the number of search results to be displayed on the page as well as the decision as to whether the Google SafeSearch filter should be activated or not.

DV is external)

7 minutes

This cookie is used to save the user's preferences and other information. This includes in particular the preferred language, the number of search results to be displayed on the page as well as the decision as to whether the Google SafeSearch filter should be activated or not.


1 day

Registers a unique ID on mobile devices to enable tracking based on geographical GPS location.


1 year

Used by Google DoubleClick to register and report the website user's actions after viewing or clicking one of the advertiser's ads with the purpose of measuring the efficacy of an ad and to present targeted ads to the user.


6 months

Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads.


8 months

Registers a unique ID that is used by Google to keep statistics of how the visitor uses YouTube videos across different websites.


179 days

Tries to estimate the users' bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videos.



Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen.

Do not track preferences

Do Not Track is a function that allows visitors not to be tracked by websites. Do Not Track options are available in a number of browsers including:

Firefox(link is external)

Internet Explorer(link is external)

Chrome(link is external)

Safari(link is external)

Opera(link is external)

Restricted access to information

All analytics data communication is encrypted via HTTPS protocol. The analytical reports generated by Piwik can only be accessed by authorised Agency staff dealing with Matomo or by duly authorised external sub-contractors, who may be required to analyse, develop and/or regularly maintain certain sites.

Masking of IP addresses

Note: institution, city and country of origin for statistical purposes are determined from the full IP, then stored and aggregated before a mask is applied. Matomo uses an IP de-identification mechanism that automatically masks a portion of each visitor's IP (Internet Protocol), effectively making it impossible to identify a particular DG SANTE website visitor via the sole IP address.

Visitor logs

Matomo automatically deletes visitors' logs after 54 weeks. Anonymised and aggregated data are stored for an indefinite period by DG SANTE for analysis purposes.

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